Project Name:
Introducing Advanced Nano Probing System to China
Task Description:
Client expected partner to implement effective sales and marketing strategy to launch the leading-edge Nano Probing System in China. Unit price of system with 4 probes is US$100K. The historical sales in China was zero.
Result Delivered:
  • Identified and selected the targets in China for this new probing system, scientific, research and failure analysis labs of nano, MEMs, semiconductor.

  • Took full advantage of customer base and experience of electronic precision instrument to find and approach the potential customer of this nano probing system.

  • Formed sales alliance with SEM (scanning electron microscope) manufactures who have the same targets.

  • Presented the technology inside and system features in various technical and academy events in China.

  • Technical sales style.

  • 4 systems were sold in China in two years.

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